Media Advisory
New report reveals latest global and regional trends in youth employment

Groundbreaking Olympic Social Charter aims to bring decent work standards to Paris Games

ILO calls on G20 to reduce inequalities, promote gender equality and encourage diversity in the world of work
More workers than ever are losing the fight against heat stress

1分钟极速赛车官方开奖历史记录 How to build a future with social justice for all

The ILO’s approach to advancing social justice and promoting decent work is built on the foundation of tripartism and social dialogue. It brings together governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations from its 187 Member States to address world of work challenges, set and monitor international labour standards, and works with development cooperation partners on projects and programmes to help realize the Decent Work Agenda.

Resources for Social Partners

Governance organs and official meetings
ILO Governing Body
International Labour Conference
Sectoral meetings
Programme of ILO official meetings
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Transition from the informal to the formal economy

Just transitions towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies

Decent work outcomes in supply chains

Decent work in crisis and post-crisis situations
Featured publications
World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends update May 2024
Profits and poverty: The economics of forced labour
Arab States Employment and Social Outlook – Trends 2024: Promoting social justice through a just transition
Preventing and addressing violence and harassment in the world of work through occupational safety and health measures
More from the world of work

ILO Live: Broadcasting on the world of work 24/7

ILO Voices: First-person stories from the world of work

Infostories: Labour issues through infographics, videos, maps and case studies
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ILO Helpdesk for Business on International Labour Standards

International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO)