8.7 Accelerator Lab Initiative

Despite progress, child labour and forced labour remain troubling practices around the world. Some countries are leading the way to protect their most vulnerable from these human rights violations by reforming legislation, implementing evidence-based policy solutions and working with social partners and other stakeholders to secure sustainable solutions.
These solutions can be replicated elsewhere and we are all bounded by Target 8.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to pick up the pace to make it happen.
What is the 8.7 Accelerator Lab?
The 8.7 Accelerator Lab is an initiative of the ILO Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Branch (FUNDAMENTALS). It was created to accelerate progress towards the eradication of forced labour and the elimination of child labour by optimizing the effectiveness of development cooperation interventions by embracing six acceleration factors that form the core of the programme.
Acceleration factors
Who is the 8.7 Accelerator Lab for?
The 8.7 Accelerator Lab targets interventions at the national, regional and global levels, leveraging the use of strategic entry points through an integrated and sectoral approach. Based on a new methodology for selecting country-level interventions, the 8.7 Accelerator Lab provides support to ILO constituents and other stakeholders in what it calls “Catalyst”, “Momentum” and “Inception” contexts based on the prevalence of the problem and the level of political commitment.

News and events

The ILO 8.7 Accelerator Lab launches vision for innovation, knowledge sharing and scaling up

Our impact, their voices
Migrant Resource Centre reduces migrant fishers’ vulnerability at sea

Tiny but mighty voices against child labour in cobalt mining

Interactive PDF
Theories of change

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