Accelerating action for the elimination of child labour in supply chains in Africa (ACCEL Africa)
1 de julio de 2023 - 30 de junio de 2028
Socio(s) para el desarrollo
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
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Forging a future through knowledge sharing: Innovative Solutions to reduce child labour and forced labour in Africa

Better working conditions help us to fight child labour
About the ACCEL Africa project
The ACCEL Africa Project has the overarching goal to accelerate the elimination of child labour in Africa, through targeted actions in the cocoa, cotton, coffee, tea and gold supply chains. It adopts an innovative systems-approach to tackling child labour that moves away from project-based downstream interventions towards strengthening existing systems that are critical to tackle root causes of child labour.
The ACCEL Africa Phase II theory of change is based on achieving three outcomes at the sub-national, national, regional and global level:
- Policy, legal and institutional frameworks are improved and enforced to address child labour in global supply chains;
- Innovative and evidence-based solutions that address the root causes of child labour in supply chains are institutionalized; and
- Strategies to address the root causes of child labour in global supply chains are upscaled through knowledge sharing, partnerships and financing.
At each level, it will target root causes of child labour that were identified as key priorities in the Durban Call to Action, including access to social protection, decent work for adults/improved livelihoods, transition from school-to-decent work for youth, and a safe and healthy work environment.
Our current work

Redefining the future: Fight against child labour in gold mining sites in Mali thanks to the ACCEL Africa project

Kenya rallies against child labour to commemorate the 2024 WDACL

Unveiling the next chapter in child labour elimination: ILO's ACCEL Africa project phase 2 workshop in Abuja

Towards a future without child labour: Profiling and community mobilization in Grand-Zattry and M’Batto as part of ACCEL Africa 2nd phase

Empowering youth, eradicating child labour: ACCEL Africa's impact in Malawi

Trade unions in Mali define their action strategy against child labour: A great step towards the eradication of child labour
Our thematic areas
ACCEL Knowledge Management

Uganda, Malawi, and Kenya sign communique to combat child labour in tea supply chain

Forging a future through knowledge sharing: Innovative Solutions to reduce child labour and forced labour in Africa

Knowledge sharing forum: Innovative solutions to reduce child labour and forced labour in Africa

Interview Series: Uniting for a Common Goal -Fighting Child Labour Across Africa

Good Practices: Knowledge Sharing for Partnerships on the Elimination of Child Labour in Supply Chains

Knowledge-sharing as a pathway for strengthened intra-African collaboration and accelerate action for the elimination of child labour in...

New collaborations and strategies to tackle child labour in Bibiani, Ghana

Voices of ACCEL Africa beneficiaries in Ivory Coast

Voices against child labour: Celebrating ethical reporting of child labour

ACCEL Africa: Advancing Responsible Gold Mining for Livelihoods and Rights

ACCEL Africa on the elimination of child labor in Côte d'Ivoire

Education versus child labour

Hazardous work & professions’ list prohibited for children in Egypt

DES for children of working age in Egypt

ACCEL Africa’s Media Production Competition: Leveraging the power of media to combat child labour in Mali

COVID-19: Protect children, now more than ever

SCREAM! Combating child labour in Egypt
Mapping and assessment of multi-stakeholder Child labour Monitoring Systems (CLMS) in Uganda - Districts of mBale, Hoima, Kabarole, Buikwe...
Identifying productive strategies for inclusion and economic empowerment in the eradication and prevention of child labour in Uganda:...
Child labour monitoring systems in the MENA region: Good practices, challenges and recommendations for a child labour monitoring system in...
Child labour in the artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) sector in Nigeria: A situational analysis
Cote d'Ivoire
Social Finance Brief: Responsible finance in the cocoa supply chain in Côte d’Ivoire
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About Accel Africa
Brief: Child Labour in Malawi
Brief: Child Labour in Uganda
Brief: ACCEL Africa in Egypt
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