Seafarers’ Identity Documents Convention (Revised), 2003 (No. 185)
Ad Hoc Tripartite Maritime Committee for the amendment of the Searfarers' Identity Documents Convention (Revised), 2003 (No. 185)
At its 323rd Session (March 2015), the Governing Body decided to constitute an Ad Hoc Tripartite Maritime Committee and convene a meeting of this Committee in 2016 for the amendment of Convention No. 185, with the task of making proposals, based on the recommendations of the Meeting of Experts, for appropriate amendments to the Annexes to Convention No. 185 with a view to their submission for adoption by the International Labour Conference in accordance with Article 8, paragraph 1, of Convention No. 185.
The meeting will be attended by 64 representatives appointed by the Governing Body, 32 of whom designated by the Governments; 16 by the Shipowners’ group and 16 by the Seafarers’ group.
For background information, please consult:
ILO Governing Body document GB.323/LILS/4
The meeting will be attended by 64 representatives appointed by the Governing Body, 32 of whom designated by the Governments; 16 by the Shipowners’ group and 16 by the Seafarers’ group.
The Ad Hoc Tripartite Maritime Committee adopted:
- Proposals for amendments to Annexes I, II and III of the Convention No. 185
- Resolution on the implementation of the Convention No. 185, and entry into force of the proposed amendments to its Annexes, including transitional measures
- Resolution on the facilitation of access to shore leave and transit of seafarers
Report of the meeting of the Ad Hoc Tripartite Committee:
Information related to the Meeting:- Background paper for the meeting of the Ad Hoc Tripartite Maritime Committee established for the Convention No. 185 (including Addendum)
- Addendum - Background paper
- Draft Programme of Work
For background information, please consult:
ILO Governing Body document GB.323/LILS/4
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