Advancing Decent Work and inclusive industrialization in Ethiopia
Decent work in the garment and textile sector
© @ILO Siraye
Project details
Additional details
With an initial focus on the garment and textile industries, the ILO has launched a comprehensive and coordinated programme involving ILO’s key components (BetterWork, Vision Zero Fund, SCORE, LABADMIN and INWORK) to promote decent work and inclusive industrialization in Ethiopia. The textile and garment industry is one of the priorities of the Ethiopian Government under the Growth and Transformation plan (GTPII) in the move of lifting Ethiopia to a middle-income country by 2025. However, poor working conditions resulting in low productivity, high turnover and absentee as well as weak regulatory institutions, coupled with the limited capacity of the workers’ and employers’ organisations, creates a poorly functioning labour market and uncompetitive businesses. More
Factory update
The focus on productivity: A workers point of view
The focus on productivity: A workers point of view
"Getting myself through college is my priority”
"Getting myself through college is my priority”
ILO conducts first advisory visit to factories in Addis Ababa and Hawassa
ILO conducts first advisory visit to factories in Addis Ababa and Hawassa
Impact of Covid-19 in the Garment &Textile Industry
Impact of Covid-19 in the Garment &Textile Industry
SIRAYE impact video
SIRAYE impact video
A day in the life of an Ethiopian garment worker
A day in the life of an Ethiopian garment worker