All statements

World Day against Trafficking in Persons
Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking

The Future of Employment in İzmir: I am Trained for My Job Program

Cooperatives are at the heart of social justice and sustainable solutions

Let's act on our commitments and eliminate child labour

World Day Against Child Labour
ILO Director-General calls for ending child labour

112th International Labour Conference
Opening address by ILO Director-General at the Special Sitting on the Situation of Workers of the Occupied Arab Territories

Opening address of Director-General at the 112th International Labour Conference

80th Anniversary of the Declaration of Philadelphia
Special address by Jayati Ghosh

ILO Director-General reaffirms importance of the Declaration of Philadelphia for Social Justice

Social Justice
Labour Day heightens urgency for renewed commitment to social justice

Healthy workplace
Message of support at the World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024 in the Philippines

Reflections on Bangladesh's progress on safety and health at work

Statement agreed by the meeting participants of the Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue on Decent Work and the 2050 Strategy for the...

World Day for Safety and Health at Work
Why safety and health at work is essential for social justice

World Bank / IMF Spring Meetings
ILO Director-General statement to the International Monetary and Financial Committee and to the joint World Bank-IMF Development Committee

ILO is committed to Decent Work amid conflicts in Sudan

India can reap its demographic dividend by investing in the care and gig economies

Digital labour platforms can advance social justice by focussing on worker welfare

Bailey Road fire exposed urgent need for strengthened workplace safety measures

Opening address at the Capacity building review workshop of regional strategic compliance plans