Webinar Series
Arab Social Protection Compass “Towards Integrated Approaches for Universal Social Protection”
The vision of achieving Universal Social Protection stands as a fundamental aspiration for the Arab states. However, this goal can only be attained through comprehensive whole-government approaches that integrate contributory and non-contributory schemes alongside the alignment of various social protection instruments and simultaneous reforms across critical policy domains.
Recognising the wealth of experiences and knowledge across the Arab Region, as well as the potential for learning and exchange of ideas on pursuing integrated approaches for ensuring universal social protection, the ILO Regional Office for the Arab States, in collaboration with the International Social Security Association (ISSA), is launching a webinar series – the Arab Social Protection Compass. The series is organised with the technical support of socialprotection.org.
This initiative intends to put a spotlight on reforms and programmes geared towards fostering integration within social protection across the region and beyond, while contributing to stir discussion at the national level. Throughout the series, speakers will delve into both the theoretical underpinnings and practical implementations of specific reforms, aiming to inspire a broad audience of practitioners to replicate or scale up similar interventions.


Episode II
Social protection for migrant workers in the Arab region: Good practices and challenges

Episode I
Integrating contributory and non-contributory social protection in Oman
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