Collective bargaining and labour relations
Key ILO resources

A Review of Wage Setting through Collective Bargaining

This Review of Wage Setting through Collective Bargaining provides insights about the wage component in collective agreements, as well as about the dynamics of the wage bargaining process in the private sector based on examples from selected countries in a variety of regions, wage bargaining systems and income levels.

Flagship report
Social Dialogue Report 2022: Collective bargaining for an inclusive, sustainable and resilient recovery

Collective bargaining, a policy guide

A guide to design and implement policies promoting and strengthening collective bargaining.

Issue Briefs

An explanatory brochure
Promoting Collective Bargaining

A practical guide to the text of Convention 154 and Recommendation 163.
Working Paper
Negotiations by workers in the informal economy
A compendium of practice
Interactions between Workers' Organisations and Workers in the Informal Economy
How and why to collect and use data on industrial relations
Collective Agreements: Extending Labour Protection
Capacity building

Wage bargaining: training tool