Enabling Environments for Sustainable Enterprises (EESE)
1 de octubre de 2017
The Bureau for Employers’ Activities (ACT/EMP) is committed to promoting a business environment with the necessary economic, social and political framework that enables sustainable enterprises to grow, innovative and create more and better jobs. Whilst it remains the role of government to ensure that the conditions for an enabling business environment are in place, the private sector plays and important and key role in guiding government to prioritize areas for reform and propose policy solutions. As the representative voice, Employer and Business Membership Organizations (EBMOs) are uniquely positioned to act as the interlocutor between enterprises and government and bring positive change through policy advocacy for a business environment that supports sustainable enterprises.
The Enabling Environment for Sustainable Enterprise (EESE) toolkit as resource for EBMOs wishing to assess the environment in which businesses start and grow. It has been designed to guide and support EBMOs to assess the business environment, develop evidence-based reports, and advocate for changes. The Toolkit is designed to be flexible and adaptbale to the needs, capacities and opportunities of EBMOs and is organized in such a way that facilitates EBMOs in utilising the business environment assessment for advocacy.
MSME policies for enabling environment and decent work
Factsheet - An enabling environment for sustainable enterprises
Resources by regions
Central and Eastern Europe
Central and South America
Middle East
See also

General EESE Publications