Gender and Occupational Safety and Health
The big picture
Recognising diversity, including gender differences, in the workforce is vital in ensuring the safety and health of both men and women workers. Whilst some progress has been made in this area, the ILO believes that more can and should be done. Gender differences should be considered in the development of occupational safety and health (OSH) policies and prevention strategies. This approach acknowledges and makes visible the differences that exist between men and women workers in order to identify OSH risks and implement effective solutions.
A gender sensitive approach recognises that because of the different jobs women and men do, their different societal roles, the expectations and responsibilities they have, women and men may be exposed to different physical and psychological risks at the workplace, thus requiring differing control measures. This approach also improves the understanding that the sexual division of labour, biological differences, employment patterns, social roles and social structures all contribute to gender-specific patterns of occupational hazards and risks. For OSH policies and prevention strategies to be effective for both women and men this dimension needs to be taken into account and such policies must be based on more accurate information about the relationship between health and gender roles.
Focus on:
The gender dimension - Integrating the gender perspective in OSH policies
Key resources
Working paper
10 Keys for gender sensitive OSH practice: Guidelines for gender mainstreaming in occupational safety and health
Information note
Women workers and gender issues on occupational safety and health
EU-OSHA report
Mainstreaming gender into occupational safety and health practice
WHO Protecting Workers' Health Series
Building healthy and equitable workplaces for women and men: A resource for employers and worker representatives
See also
Providing safe and healthy workplaces for both women and men
The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire and International Women’s Day: 100 years on
Selected articles
Encyclopeadia of Occupational Health and Safety
Related information
Providing safe and healthy workplaces for both women and men
The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire and International Women’s Day: 100 years on