Podcast series
Global challenges - Global solutions
In today’s world of work the only certainty is change. The future of work is being shaped by globalization, digitalization, climate change and demographic shifts that impact labour markets worldwide. While these trends provide opportunities for the creation of new jobs, they also come with challenges, including the risk of deteriorating working conditions, further labour market disaggregation and difficult transitions for workers as well as a lack of capacity to profit from job creation. While these changes were compounded by the COVID pandemic leading to great upheaval in our lives, they also provide opportunities for moving towards a better tomorrow.
This Employment podcast series focuses attention on the impact of megatrends on labour markets worldwide and the emerging challenges and opportunities. They offer a human-centred approach to policymaking that help shift economies to a new and better future of work.
All our podcasts are available on Soundcloud, Spotify and Apple Podcasts
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The Silver Tsunami: Are older workers the wave of the future?

There’s a new trend in the world of work. It’s called the “Silver Tsunami’, and it means more people are working past retirement age, either because they want to or because they must, to make ends meet. So, what are the implications of this trend for employers and enterprises? Podcast explores this issue, and how it will impact the world of work.
All episodes

Episode 39: Micro-credentials: Powerful new learning tool, or just “pouring old wine into new bottles”?

Interview with Pedro Moreno Da Fonseca, ILO Technical Specialist on Lifelong Learning, and Anastasia Pouliou, Expert in Qualifications and credentials - Future of Vocational Education and Training, and Lead Researcher on Micro-credentials at the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Cedefop
Episode 38: Addressing major labour market challenges in the world of work: What are the implications for promoting employment?
Interview with ILO Employment Policy Expert Sher Verick

Episode 37: Tackling gender segregation: How a new policy tool can finally help bring about change

Interview with Marzia Fontana, Research Associate at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex and ILO’s Valeria Esquivel, Employment Policies and Gender Specialist,

Episode 36: Informal apprenticeships and the future of work

Interview with Yasser Ali, Technical specialist on skills development

Episode 35: How can we close the skills gap? Quality apprenticeships and the future of work

Interview with Martin Henry, Research, Policy and Advocacy Coordinator of Education International, and Kathryn Rowan, Executive Director of GAN, the Global Apprenticeship Network

Episode 34: Artificial Intelligence and the future of work: A threat or a promise?

Interview with Uma Rani, a Senior Economist at the ILO’s Research Department and Enrique Fernandez Macias, a researcher at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre.

Episode 33: Jobs for Africa and beyond: The role of structural transformation and economic policies in the 21st century

Interview with Bernd Mueller, Manager of the Employment Programme at the International Training Centre of the ILO in Turin, Italy, and co-author of the Global Employment Policy Review second edition.

Episode 32: The quest for social justice: The role of research and dialogue

Interview with Mikel Landabaso, Director, Fair & Sustainable Economy of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission (EC), and Sangheon Lee, Director of the ILO Employment Policy, Job Creation & Livelihoods Department

Episode 31: Working in apparel and footwear manufacturing: How does technological upgrading and automation affect women?

Interview with ILO’s Valeria Esquivel, Employment Policies and Gender Specialist, and David Kucera. Senior Economist

Episode 30: Innovative employment policies in a changing world of work: A new paradigm?

Interview with Elina Scheja, Senior Specialist, Employment and Poverty Diagnostics, and Sher Verick, Acting Chief, Employment, Labour Markets and Youth Branch.

Episode 29: The technology paradox: Is it the great equalizer for some, but digital divider for others?

Interview with Dorothea Schmidt-Klau, Senior Economist, ILO Employment Policy Department
Episode 28: Is green the colour of our future? The green and digital transformation and the future of work
Interview with Moustapha Kamal Gueye, ILO Director of the Priority Action Programme on Just Transitions Towards Environmentally Sustainable Economies and Societies.

Episode 26: Career guidance in challenging times: An investment in the future

Interview with Pedro Moreno da Fonseca, ILO Technical Specialist on Lifelong Learning, and Glenda Quitini, OECD Senior Economist Specializing in Skills and Adult Learning Policies.

Episode 25: The Global Accelerator: What it is and what it does in the future of work

Interview with ILO experts, Valérie Schmitt, Deputy Director of the Social Protection Department, and Jean-François Klein, Senior Administrator, Employment Policy Department.

Episode 24: Global shifts in employment structure: a new geography of jobs?

Interview with Sergio Torrejón Perez, economic and policy analyst in the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission and coordinator of the joint ILO-JRC project “Global shifts in the employment structure”, and John Hurley, Senior Research Manager, Employment Unit, Eurofound.

Episode 23: Digital transformation in Rwanda: is it creating a new future of work?

Interview with Elvis Melia of Meliacred, expert at the German Institute on Development and Sustainability, and lead researcher of the GIZ supported project on the Digital Future of Work in Rwanda

Episode 22: Algorithmic management: What it is, what it does and what it means for the future of work

Interview with Uma Rani, Senior Economist at the ILO’s Research Department and Enrique Fernandez Macias, Researcher at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre

Episode 21: Platform work and gender inequalities - A case study from India

Interview with Sabina Dewan, President and Executive Director of the JustJobs Network, Senior Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Policy Research in India, and lead researcher of the GIZ supported project on the Digital Future of Work in India.

Episode 20: Work-life transitions: Are they becoming more turbulent?

Interview with Guillaume Delautre, Coordinator of the EU/ILO project “Building partnerships on the future of work” and ILO Senior Economist Dorothea Schmidt-Klau

Episode 19: Skilling, re-skilling, digitalization and the future of work

Interview with Olga Strietska-Ilina, ILO Senior Skills and Employability Specialist, and Team Leader on Skills Strategies for Future Labour Markets.

Episode 18: The digital divide: Can we narrow the gap?

Interview with Professor Balaji Parthasarathy of the International Institute of Information Technology in Bangalore, India, and Matteo Sostero of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre.

Episode 17: Crowd work: A new form of digital employment for young on-line workers

Interview with Niall O’Higgins, Senior Economist in the ILO’s Employment Analysis Unit, Employment Policy Department

Episode 16: Can big data help us understand the future of work?

Interview with Tony Bonen, Acting Executive Director of Canada’s Labour Market Information Council in Ottawa, and Matthieu Charpe, Senior Economist at the ILO’s Employment Policy Department.

Episode 15: Employment and labour market policies: Can they profit from new technologies?

Interview with ILO EMPLOYMENT's Vicky Leung, Technical and Programme Officer, Transition to Formality Unit, and Michael Mwasikakata, Head, Labour Market Services for Transitions Unit.

Episode 14: Are we doing all we can to address ageing in the world of work?

Interview with Dorothea Schmidt-Klau, Senior Economist, ILO Employment Policy Department

Episode 13: In the uneven recovery from the COVID-19 jobs crisis, women are being left behind

Interview with Valeria Esquivel, Senior Employment Policies and Gender Officer

Episode 12: Lost in COVID-19 limbo-land: Pandemic hits youth employment hard

Interview with ILO senior youth employment experts Niall O’Higgins and Sher Verick

Episode 11: Breaking out of the informal economy: Does new technology hold the key?

Interview with Vicky Leung, ILO Technical Officer and Juan Chacaltana, ILO Employment Policy Specialist

Episode 10: Is the future ready for youth? Youth employment policies for evolving labour markets

Interview with Sukti Dasgupta, ILO Employment Department Chief of the Employment, Labour Markets and Youth Branch, and Juan Chacaltana, Senior Employment Policies Specialist

Episode 9: The Global Employment Policy Review: Inclusive structural transformation, employment policies and innovative solutions for a better future of work

Interview with Sangheon Lee, Director of the Employment Policy Department, and the co- editors of the report, Dorothea Schmidt-Klau and David Kucera

Episode 8: How the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting jobs and livelihoods in the world’s Least Developed Countries

Interview with Aurelio Parisotto, Head of the ILO’s Employment and Economic Analyses Unit

Episode 7: How Nature-based Solutions can power a green jobs recovery

Interview with the report’s editors, Vanessa Pérez-Cirera, WWF’s Deputy Leader for Nature Global Climate and Energy Practice, and Maikel Lieuw-Kie-Song, the ILO’s Employment Intensive Investment Programme Technical Specialist

Episode 6: Building the best policy outcomes: How National Employment Policies (NEPs) act as an entry point in response to crisis situations

Interview with Sukti Dasgupta, Chief of Employment, Labour Market and Youth Branch; and Sher Verick, Head of the Employment Strategies Unit

Episode 5: Bringing gender equality to the core of employment recovery

Interview with Valeria Esquivel, Senior Employment Policies and Gender Officer

Episode 4: The skills challenge in the time of COVID-19

Interview with ILO Senior Skills and Employability Specialist Ashwani Aggarwal

Episode 3: Tackling the COVID-19 pandemic and the youth employment crisis

Interview with Sher Verick, Head of the Employment Strategies Unit, and Susana Puerto Gonzalez, Research and Technical Specialist

Episode 2: The deepening crisis in the informal sector

Interview with Mito Tsukamoto, Chief of the development and Investment (DEVINVEST) branch of the ILO’s Employment Policy Department

Episode 1: The global pandemic in the world of work today

Interview with Sangheon Lee, ILO Director Employment Policy Department