Governance and Tripartism Department (GOVERNANCE)
Mission and vision
Safety and health at work
Labour administration and labour inspection
Forced labour, human trafficking and slavery
Child labour
Equality and discrimination
Freedom of association
Collective bargaining and labour relations
Better work
Tripartism and social dialogue
Labour law and Reform
International Labour Standards
Conventions and Recommendations
List of instruments by subjects

Child labour

Forced labour and human trafficking

Freedom of association

Occupational safety and health

Labour administration and labour inspection

Social dialogue and tripartism

Key resources and databases
Employment protection legislation database
International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions
Global database on occupational safety and health legislation
Technical cooperation

Global Flagship Programmes

GOVERNANCE is host to three flagship programmes of the ILO, which are among the largest development assistance technical cooperation programmes of the Organization:
News and events

Social Dialogue Report 2022: Collective bargaining for an inclusive, sustainable and resilient recovery

This first edition of this new ILO flagship report focuses on the importance of collective bargaining in achieving a human-centred recovery and fighting the inequalities that have worsened during the COVID-19 crisis.

Research Brief
Peak-level social dialogue as a governance tool during the COVID-19 pandemic: Global and regional trends and policy issues

Policy Brief
Social dialogue on occupational safety and health in the Covid-19 context

Against the background of the Covid-19 pandemic, most countries have re-opened their economy and workers have been requested to return to their workplace. The present Brief highlights the need for social dialogue in order to ensure a safe return to work.

The need for social dialogue in addressing the COVID-19 crisis

See also
The GOVERNANCE Department includes:
ILO Structure
Programme and Budget