Practical guide
How to choose my future profession ? A step-by-step guide for job seekers
This guide presents in a simple and practical way, the stages of the reflection to be carried out to make a choice of profession. It can be used as a workbook to be completed directly. Intended for autonomous job seekers, it can also be used as a support tool by counselors at employment agencies around the world.
This guide is part of the "toolbox" for young people and those who support them, in particular in the Public Employment Services.
This is the first "step-by-step" guide in the "Building my future at work" collection, and will be followed by other titles relating to job search techniques, information on new professions etc.
While this Guide is primarily meant to support young women and men in choosing their future professions, it is not just for young people. Choosing a profession is an important step in the transition from education to the world of work, and an important decision. But, professional life spans several decades, and during this long period we may all be faced with changes that may require us to look for another job or a new profession. The skill to orient oneself to such changes is therefore a necessary one for each of us. This is even more important today with a fast evolving world of work, linked to demographic, climate and technological changes.
We all need to prepare for such changes and manage such changes in our professional careers by developing our skills, by continuing to learn throughout the life course and by being aware of new opportunities.
Additional details
- François Dumora
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