International Labour Review
The International Labour Review (ILR), a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal with a global reach in labor and employment studies, was established in 1921 by the ILO Governing Body. Published quarterly in English, French, and Spanish by the ILO Research Department, the ILR seeks to promote academic research and contribute to policy discussions and decisions in areas related to work, including economics, law, industrial relations, social policy, sociology, and history. It publishes original academic and expert analyses, offers concise updates on recent developments, and reviews significant publications of interest to professionals in these domains.

Current Issue
- The shifting motherhood penalty and fatherhood premium in China’s gig economy: Impact of parental status on income changes, by Qi ZHENG, Zitong QIU and Weiguo YANG
- Skills and employment transitions in Brazil, by Willian ADAMCZYK, Philipp EHRL and Leonardo MONASTERIO
- What about us? A vignette study explaining training preferences by contract type and skill specificity, by Ferry KOSTER
- You better watch out: How the supervisor response to worker voice affects promotive voice, by Arjuna SNOEP-DELLEMAN, Agnes AKKERMAN, Roderick SLUITER and Katerina MANEVSKA
- Robots and employment: A review, by Shahab SHARFAEI
- The labour market and tax policy drivers of self-employment: New evidence from Europe, by Balázs ÉGERT and Annabelle MOUROUGANE
- Disentangling the attractiveness of telework to employees: A factorial survey experiment, by Eline MOENS, Elsy VERHOFSTADT, Luc VAN OOTEGEM and Stijn BAERT
Celebrating the Centenary of the International Labour Review
The year 2021 marked the 100th anniversary of the ILR. To celebrate this milestone, the ILR launched various initiatives to highlight its history and multidisciplinary contributions to academic research and policy debate at the global level.
International Labour Review Unit (REVUE)
Research Department (RESEARCH)
4 route des Morillons
Tel : +41 22 799 7664
Email : revue@ilo.org
Website : https://www.ilo.org/revue