Masterclass Series “The SKILLS Bridge”
Masterclasses “The SKILLS Bridge”
9 May 2024
The Masterclasses title “The SKILLS Bridge” refers to invaluable role of skills and lifelong learning schemes in closing existing skills gaps, aligning demand and supply, and in uniting private and public sector collaboration.
Come and join a series of classes that explore effective practices and innovative approaches to develop skills and qualifications needed to succeed in today's and tomorrow's world of work.
New technologies, demographic shifts, climate change, globalisation, and, more recently, the global health pandemic are causing major disruptions to the world of work and increasing skills mismatch. Many countries across the globe face challenges in overcoming skills mismatches, resulting in lower productivity and competitiveness.
A key to effective and efficient skills and lifelong learning systems is harnessing sustainable partnerships and effective communication between different stakeholders, including both public and private actors, in all aspects of skills systems to ensure longevity and applicability.
In order to shine a light on successful practices in organising and managing skills and lifelong learning systems around the globe, the ILO Skills and Employability Branch hosts a series of Masterclasses titled “The SKILLS Bridge”. The series brings together senior experts from different countries to share the most tested and effective practices and innovative approaches adopted in equipping people with the skills and qualifications needed to succeed in todays and tomorrow’s world of work. It offers a space to adapt and replicate these approaches to improve skills and lifelong learning schemes and systems with the local complexities in mind.
Episode 1
Succeeding at dual VET, a Swiss Case study
Episode 2
Digital transformations: Modernising apprenticeships and matching the needs of the digital economy
Episode 3
Digital transformations in Skills and Lifelong Learning systems: Challenges and enabling factors
Episode 4
Empowering Sector Skills Bodies: Strategies to Overcome Challenges and Improve Effectiveness
Episode 5
Small Steps, Big Gains: Micro-credentials for Lifelong Learning
Episode 6
Innovations and Strategies for Recognition of Prior Learning in Africa
Episode 7
Revolutionizing Skill Development: India's Sector Skills Councils
Episode 8
AI-Powered Skill India Digital Hub (SIDH) for a Future Ready Workforce
Anyone interested in improving skills and lifelong learning systems around the world can join these Masterclasses. There are no fees
The working language of the Masterclass series is English.
Coordinator of Masterclass series
Dr Ashwani Aggarwal (aggarwal@ilo.org)
Team Leader for Work Group (WBL, apprenticeships, RPL and core skills), ILO Geneva