Media engagement on forced labour and fair recruitment
The ILO and its partners have been engaging with the media to support the production of quality reporting on forced labour and fair recruitment issues, creating or strengthening networks of specialized journalists, as well as building partnerships with those institutions who have the capacity and mandate to take forward media training and outreach. These media engagement activities are aimed at:
- Combatting the toxicity of the debate on migration, forced labour and recruitment in both origin and destination countries as well as at the global level;
- Fostering the prevention of deception through the promotion of transparent, documented and ethical journalism on forced labour and fair recruitment issues.
Main resources

Reporting on forced labour and fair recruitment: An ILO toolkit for journalists

This toolkit provides information and advice to media professionals on how to report accurately and effectively on forced labour and fair recruitment. The toolkit includes the Media-friendly glossary on migration.

Media-friendly glossary on migration

The use of the right terminology is key for quality reporting, to avoid stigmatization and positively influence the debate on migration.

New media-friendly glossary on
Women migrant workers and ending violence against women (EVAW)

This glossary serves as a guide for journalists, researchers, practitioners and others who conduct trainings or write about women’s labour migration and violence against women.
Global launch: Reporting on Forced Labour and Fair Recruitment - An ILO Toolkit for Journalists
Playlist of testimonies