MSME policies for enabling environment and decent work
The ILO’s technical assistance in this area is aimed at promoting MSME support policies that contribute to decent work and to a just transition.
This area of work aims to develop new and context-specific approaches to address current and future challenges faced by MSMEs across the globe, in particular towards creating a conducive business environment which impacts positively on MSMEs’ productivity and competitiveness as well as their capacity to create decent and productive work.
We support governments, workers’ and employers’ organisations to develop and implement MSME policies for enabling environment and decent work, based on the 2015 ILC Report on SMEs and Decent and Productive Employment Creation and in line with the 2007 ILC Conclusions on the Promotion of Sustainable Enterprises which highlights the importance of balancing the needs and interests of enterprises, with social aspirations about decent work, human dignity, and environmental sustainability.
We work with member States to respond to challenges faced by MSMEs and shape a better future for businesses and their workers by:
Understanding the problems and the opportunities: help countries identify barriers and opportunities to business development looking at various elements such as macroeconomic policies, regulations, policy coordination, infrastructure, social protection, access to finance, business development services, employment and skills policies - with a view to providing evidence for new MSME policies for enabling environment and decent work.
Identifying solutions and operationalizing support to MSME policies: based on diagnostics, support constituents to identify ways to correct policy inadequacies that hamper MSME development and to design, deliver and monitor MSME policies for enabling environment and decent work. MSME policies can come in different forms depending on the country situation, including standalone strategic documents and action plans or as part of a wider framework - such as industrial and sectoral policies or national development plans.
Promoting social dialogue and coordination: facilitate policy dialogue and coordination among representatives of the government, employers and workers towards a shared understanding of barriers and opportunities to business development. Tools are developed to assess the impacts of socio-economic policies on MSMEs and to shape concerted solutions that are tailored to each context and countries’ needs.
Latest news and publications

Promoting Gender Sensitive Business Environment Reform in South-East Asia: A Compendium of Solutions

Formalization and simplified micro and small enterprise regimes: Towards reform of the Viet Nam household business legislation

Leveraging foreign investment for decent and productive jobs: Enabling policies and strategies for linkage development in Cambodia
Our work

Global knowledge for effective policies

Country work

Policy tools
See also

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises