Final report
Navigating transformational changes and transitions
The automotive manufacturing sector in Thailand is undergoing significant transformations, largely driven by technological advancements and the shifts towards electric and other low-carbon vehicles as part of the green revolution.
This report explores the evolving landscape of skills development and employment within this industry.
The report provides a detailed overview of the current and emerging trends affecting Thailand's automotive manufacturing sector. In general, the findings highlight the need for a strategic evaluation of the skills development framework within the manufacturing subsector to address current and future skill shortages. This will require a collaborative approach among industry stakeholders, educational bodies and the Government to ensure that the workforce transitions effectively into the emerging technological paradigm, thereby securing the sector's growth and sustainability.
Additional details
- International Labour Organization (ILO)
- Rapid Asia Co., Ltd.
- ISBN 9789220406441 (web PDF)
- RAS/23/52/JPN
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