Occupied Palestinian Territory
The Occupied Palestinian Territory faces unique challenges to achieving decent work, most prominently the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis, the occupation and expansion of settlements, restrictions on the movement of people, goods and services, the internal political divide, fiscal deficits and climate change. Since the establishment of its Representative Office in Jerusalem in 1995, the ILO has collaborated with Palestinian tripartite partners to advance decent work for women and men in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity. Together, we are implementing the Decent Work Programme (DWP) 2023–2025 to expand access to employment and economic opportunities, social services, social protection, and more rights-base, accountable governance institutions and processes. Since the outbreak of war in October 2023, the ILO has developed an Emergency Response Plan, that complements the DWP, to support constituents in addressing the adverse impact of the escalation in hostilities on the Palestinian Labour Market through specific interventions to support emergency relief and recovery.

Latest news and stories

L'OIT lance un nouveau programme régional financé par l'UE pour les jeunes NEET dans le sud de la Méditerranée
Les partenaires de l’OIT s'engagent à soutenir le programme de redressement du marché du travail palestinien
Projects and Programmes

Promotion of an Enabling Environment for Sustainable Enterprises and decent jobs for women and youth in the Agricultural Sector

Strengthening nexus coherence and responsiveness in the Palestinian social protection sector

Promoting Productive Employment and Decent Work for Women in Egypt, Jordan and the occupied Palestinian territory

Browse our projects in the occupied Palestinian territory

Development Cooperation Dashboard

The dashboard offers interactive visualisations of ILO development cooperation projects in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
Rapport thématique
Commerce, investissement et emploi dans les pays de la rive sud de la Méditerrannée
Résumé Exécutif
Résumé exécutif: Commerce, investissement et emploi dans les pays de la rive sud de la Méditerranée
Tripartite partners

Labour statistics

National labour market statistics for the last year from the ILOSTAT database

All resources
Browse our catalogue of resources from or about Occupied Palestinian Territory and filter by topic or sector.
Work with us
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