Research and Publications
ILO's research and publications inform global policies and promote key insights and innovative solutions for the world of work.
Flagship reports
Major publications
Working papers
Le norme internazionali del lavoro nella giurisprudenza italiana
La contrattazione collettiva durante la pandemia in sette paesi europei
Percorsi d’inclusione lavorativa delle vittime di sfruttamento in Italia
Follow ILO Research and Publications

International Labour Review
The International Labour Review (ILR) is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal of international scope in labour and employment studies. Established in 1921 by decision of the ILO Governing Body, it is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish and administered by the ILO Research Department.
Events and courses

Labordoc: The global library of the world of work
Digital repository of ILO books, journal articles, reports, working papers on the world of work at your fingertips.
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The ILO has a distribution partnership with The Stationery Office (TSO) in the UK. TSO handles all sales of ILO publications worldwide.
To purchase ILO publications, please place your order directly with TSO.
- Email address for orders: ILO@williamslea.com
- Email address for general queries: customer.service@tso.co.uk
- Telephone: +44 (0) 333 202 5070
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ILO Publications
For general questions about ILO Publications, please contact ilopubs@ilo.org.
ILO Library
The ILO Library offers an enquiry service to help you navigate and find information on the world of work.
- Advice on where to find ILO sources of information;
- Guidance on where to find national legislation or statistical data;
- Support on how to begin a topic search, or to fill in gaps in research that is already underway.
- Any ILO documents such as ILO Conventions, ILO flagship, working papers, special studies, articles, reports of the Governing Body and International Labour Conference.
Contact library@ilo.org for support.
Rights and Permissions
The ILO implemented an Open Access policy that makes the use of all its knowledge products easier.
All publications and knowledge products published on or after 3 May 2023 by the ILO or on its behalf are available for use or reuse without needing to request permission – as long as the ILO is cited as the source of material.
More information is available in Rights and Permissions.