Second Regional Meeting on the Protection of Migrant Fishers: ASEAN Review of ‘Guidelines on Flag State Inspection of Working and Living Conditions on Board Fishing Vessels
A second regional meeting on work in fishing, focusing on the protection of migrant fishers, is convened in 2015 to further discuss more detailed cooperation; to present the international standards and instruments on work in fishing, share national policy and legislative developments, and procedures related to flag State and port State controls; and to provide inputs from the region to the development of the draft Guidelines on Flag State Inspection of Working and Living Conditions on Board Fishing Vessels on implementation of Convention 188.
In September 2013, the ILO and the Indonesian Government organized a Regional Meeting on Work in Fishing: Increased Knowledge Base and Sharing Good Practices for the Protection of Migrant Workers. Participants from around Southeast Asia discussed international standards on work in fishing, shared national policy and legislative frameworks, and shared experiences on the protection of migrant fishers in this sector in the region and around the world.
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Final Agenda - the Second Regional Meeting on the Protection of Migrant Fishers: ASEAN Review of ‘Guidelines on Flag State Inspection of Working and Living Conditions on Board Fishing Vessels’, 28-29 April 2015, Jakarta, Indonesia

Final Concept Note - the Second Regional Meeting on the Protection of Migrant Fishers: ASEAN Review of ‘Guidelines on Flag State Inspection of Working and Living Conditions on Board Fishing Vessels’ , 28-29 April 2015, Jakarta, Indonesia

Summary of Discussion - the Second Regional Meeting on the Protection of Migrant Fishers: ASEAN Review of ‘Guidelines on Flag State Inspection of Working and Living Conditions on Board Fishing Vessels’, 28-29 April 2015, Jakarta, Indonesia