SAW Project
Setting adequate wages
1 October 2022 - 30 September 2026
Development partner(s)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
Ms Elva LÓPEZ MOURELO (lopezmourelo@ilo.org)
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About SAW project
The Setting Adequate Wages (SAW) Project seeks to support wage setting mechanisms, including minimum wages and collective bargaining, in making a stronger use of data and evidence on the needs of workers and their families and economic factors. The project also contributes to identify national factors and conditions that enable wage increases at the macro-level, and supports measures to raise productivity in selected supply chains. Finally, the project contributes to raise awareness on living wages, provides technical assistance to constituents in this regard, and engages with existing living wage initiatives to promote alignment with ILO living wage principles.
Strategic framework
Learn more about the project

A methodology to estimate the needs of workers and their families

Wage policies and living wages: everything you always wanted to know
Related content

ILO Brief
Setting adequate wages: The question of living wages


Report of the Meeting of Experts on wage policies, including living wages