Skills policies, systems and digitalization
The ILO works with member states to reform and strengthen their national skills policies and improve their training systems.
Now more than ever, coordinated efforts are needed to build integrated national approaches to skills development so that individuals, enterprises and society can access the skills they need and deploy them in a way that benefits us all.
Skills development has been recognised as a key global priority by governments, social partners and international organisations who now also need to combine their efforts to strengthen national skills policies and systems to support achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
ILO work in this area supports governments and social partners to improve policy, planning, governance and regulation in skills systems; to increase the involvement of employers' and workers' organisations in skills development and to improve the quality and relevance of skills development to support economic and social development.
Improving linkages between education and training institutions and workplaces can improve skills development along value chains, help manage the drivers of change at work today and integrate skills development into national and sector development strategies.

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Policy briefs


Career development, career guidance

Qualification systems, recognition of prior learning and micro-credentials

Digitalisation of skills systems and AI

Dual Training Systems and Centres of Excellence

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