Topic portal
Social protection
Social protection, or social security, provides benefits to individuals on the basis of risks faced across the life cycle (e.g., unemployment, disability, maternity, etc.) and to those suffering general poverty and social exclusion. Social protection schemes can be financed through contributions from wages (social insurance) or through general taxation (social assistance).
Since the turn of the last century, social protection programmes have continued to grow in every region of the world, and their function in stabilizing the economy and protecting vulnerable groups has been repeatedly demonstrated, including during recent global crises. While their benefits are widely accepted, additional investments are still needed to increase coverage of social protection schemes globally, in particular in lower-income countries.
The 9 branches of social security
Emerging issues

Target groups
Migrants and the forcibly displaced

Climate crisis
Social protection and climate change
Featured publications

Flagship publication
World Social Protection Report 2020-22
Working paper
Financing gap for universal social protection: Global, regional and national estimates and strategies for creating fiscal space
Actuarial review
Zambia: Actuarial analysis of the National Health Insurance Scheme and costing of coverage extension to cash transfer beneficiaries
Policy paper
Fiscal Space for Social Protection in Timor-Leste
International labour standards on social security

Social security standards
Ratification campaign

The ILO is aiming to reach 70 ratifications of Convention No. 102 through increased awareness-raising on the requirements of its international social security standards.
Social protection statistics
The latest data from the ILO's Social Protection Platform

Development cooperation
Flagship Programme

This Global Flagship Programme on Building Social Protection Floors for All supports the implementation of social protection systems, including floors, guided by the ILO's social security standards.

Joint UN action
Global Accelerator

The UN Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions aims to support the creation of decent jobs in the green, digital and care economies and extend social protection to those who are excluded.

Coordination and coherence
Universal Social Protection

The Universal Social Protection 2030 partnership's mission is to achieve the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through enhanced coordination and policy coherence among social protection actors.
News and articles

Social protection
First Social Protection Symposium kicks off a new era for Lao People's Democratic Republic in protecting its poor and vulnerable

Deadline for submission: 4 August 2024, 5 p.m. (BKK time)
Request for proposal: English editor of the Asia and Pacific regional companion report of the World Social Protection Report 2024–26