ILS Compliance and Reporting
Trade for Decent Work Project
Sustaining Strengthened National Capacities to Improve ILS Compliance and Reporting (Mongolia). The project aims at improving the application of the ILO fundamental Conventions in Mongolia through improved labour relations and working conditions.
1 January 2021 - 31 December 2023
Development partner(s)
European Union
Ms G.Purevtogtokh, National Project Coordinator,
Additional details
Access project dashboardIntroduction
Mongolia continues its transition from a central planning to a market economy over the last 30 years. Efforts to align national labour laws with International Labour Standards (ILS) to manage challenges in the market economy have been on-going for a decade. The government and social partners remain committed to aligning national labour market governance with ILS, especially the ILO Fundamental Conventions.Thanks to the EU’s support, the ILO has been assisting Mongolia in monitoring and reporting on the status of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (FPRW) in the country to boost its benefits from the EU GSP+ schemes since 2015. Mongolia is making progress, though incremental. While the public and certain sectors of society demand better human rights protection, unacceptable labour practices remain. To accelerate the pace of legal reform, a mix of approaches that cultivate social consensus, increase technical capacity on ILS and effectively use them, and heighten political commitments to accelerate process of reform is necessary.
Project Objective
To strengthen Mongolia’s participation in the EU’s GSP+ programme by enhancing its capacity to discharge its reporting obligationsProject Outcomes
- Mongolia is up-to-date on the reporting of ILO Conventions including all eight fundamental conventions.
- Mongolia progressively fosters realization of fundamental principles and rights at work in laws and practices
- Mongolian law and legislation are better compliant with the ILO Fundamental Conventions
For future information
UN House 604United Nations Street 12
Sukhbaatar district
Ulaanbaatar 14201, Mongolia
Tel: (976) 11320624
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