Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration)
The MNE Declaration is the only ILO instrument that provides direct guidance to enterprises (multinational and national) on social policy and inclusive, responsible and sustainable workplace practices.
It is the only global instrument in this area and the only one that was elaborated and adopted by governments, employers and workers from around the world. It was adopted more than 40 years ago and amended several times (in 2000, 2006, 2017), most recently in 2022. Its principles are addressed to multinational and national enterprises, governments of home and host countries, and employers’ and workers’ organizations providing guidance in such areas as employment, training, conditions of work and life, industrial relations as well as general policies. The guidance is founded substantially on principles contained in international labour standards.
To stimulate the uptake of its principles by all parties, the ILO Governing Body has adopted operational tools.

International policy coherence

Understanding the MNE Declaration and putting its principles into practice

A self-assessment tool for enterprises based on the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social...

Joint UN Global Compact-ILO learning plan for companies “Advancing decent work through the UN Global Compact Labour Principles”

E-learning – Business and Decent Work: an introduction to the MNE Declaration
What's new
Advancing decent work through the positive contribution of trade, investment and sustainable enterprises in Uzbekistan
Bangladesh constituents discuss Human Rights Due Diligence developments in relation to International Labour Standards and the ILO MNE...
Dialogue for coherence and coordinated approach to promote sustainable and responsible business practices for a just transition in Egypt
ILO hosts sustainable management workshop for MENA Business Schools Alliance for Sustainability (MEBAS)
Constituents from Türkiye formulate a way forward on advancing decent work through responsible business and investment
Promoting responsible business conduct for decent work is crucial for sustainable value chains in Bangladesh
Empowering Investors: ILO at the 27th World Investment Conference in New Delhi
Regional Seminar advances dialogue on responsible business and decent work in Latin America
Nigeria Hosts Tripartite Workshop on Sustainable Business Practices and Decent Work: A Collaborative Initiative for Economic Growth
National Workshop on Sustainable and Responsible Business Practices for the realization of decent work in South Africa
ILO and METI co-host dialogue event on RBC in Jakarta, Indonesia
A holistic approach for the elimination of child labour and its roots causes in supply chains: Mainstreaming the promotion of the MNE...
Contact us
Learn more from the ILO's Multinational Enterprises and Responsible Business Conduct unit (MULTI/RBC)
Contact: multi@ilo.org