What is the role of ACTRAV and ACT/EMP at the ILC?
The role of the two Bureaux at the Conference is unique, and this conversation explains how they work in practice.
7 June 2024
The role of the Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV) and the Bureau for Employers’ Activities (ACT/EMP) is unique within the ILO structure, and can sometimes lead to misperceptions.
In this dialogue, ACTRAV Director Maria Helena Andre and ACT/EMP Director Deborah France-Massin explain the respective roles of the two Bureaux, and how they relate to the workers’ and employers’ groups, particularly during the International Labour Conference and meetings of the Governing Body.
The conversation was moderated by Martin Murphy, Director of the Department of Communication and Public Information (DCOMM), and was recorded during the Conference in June 2024.