Working time and work organization
The subject of working time has been central to the work of the ILO since its inception, when it adopted the first of many international labour standards, the Hours of Work (Industry) Convention, 1919 (No.1). Some of the major challenges in this area remain those which have been important since the dawn of the industrial age: excessive hours of work and the need to protect workers’ health and safety by limiting working hours and providing adequate periods for rest and recuperation, including weekly rest and paid annual leave - which are enshrined in international labour standards. more...

Working Time and Work-Life Balance Around the World

Practical Guide
Practical Guide on Teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

Guide to developing balanced working time arrangements
Work Sharing during the Great Recession New Developments and Beyond
Policy Brief
Work sharing: a strategy to preserve jobs during the global jobs crisis.
Policy Brief
New developments in work sharing in middle-income countries.
Regulation of working times, driving times and rest periods for commercial vehicle drivers: a comparative study
World Employment and Social Outlook 2023: The value of essential work
Executive Summary
World Employment and Social Outlook 2023: The value of essential work [Summary]
Working time and work-life balance around the world
Healthy and safe telework: technical brief
Practical Guide on Teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
Telework in the 21st century: An evolutionary perspective
Guide to developing balanced working time arrangements
Conditions of Work and Employment Series No. 104
Overtime work: A review of literature and initial empirical analysis
Working anytime, anywhere: The effects on the world of work
Decent working time: Balancing workers' needs with business requirements.
Learn more
International labour standards on working time
5 Things to know for effective teleworking
Working Conditions Laws Database
News and articles
ILO Helpdesk: Business and working time

ILO Helpdesk: Tools and resources for business on working time
Contact info
For additional information on the ILO's working time and work organization topic please contact the Inclusive Labour Markets, Labour Relations and Working Conditions Branch at inwork@ilo.org