Workplace Health Promotion and Well-being
Health promotion in the workplace is effective when health promotion activities complement occupational safety and health measures by integrating them into OSH management practices in order to prevent accidents and diseases, and when they protect and improve the health and well-being of men and women at work.
The fundamental principles of this approach are found in the Occupational Safety and Health Convention (No. 155) and its accompanying Recommendation (No. 164) as well as in the Occupational Health Services Convention (No. 161) and its accompanying Recommendation (No. 171). Occupational health services are entrusted with preventive and advisory functions, and are responsible for assisting employers, workers, and their representatives in meeting the requirements of establishing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment which facilitates optimal physical and mental health in relation to work. These include the adaptation of work to suit the workers' capabilities by taking into account their state of physical and mental health.

Key Publications and Tools