Brazil – ILO Partnership
10 projects
Brazil currently funds 10 ILO development cooperation projects worldwide
15th in top 20
Brazil ranks 15th in the ILO list of voluntary funding contributors in 2022-23
US$6.1 million
Brazil has contributed US$6.1 million to ILO voluntary non-core funding in 2020-23
Brazil is a key partner of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in advancing decent work and social justice through South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC), and through the Brazil-ILO domestic trust fund for ILO technical assistance in the country.
The ILO works closely with the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) on trilateral South-South Cooperation to promote technical cooperation and peer learning across countries on fundamental principles and rights at work. South-South Cooperation supports the ‘Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labour Regional Initiative’ and promotes decent work in cotton producing countries in Africa and in Latin America.
In partnership with the Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 4 Região, the ILO promotes social justice for traditional communities, combats slave labour and promotes decent work for vulnerable groups in Brazil. The partners also improve productivity and working conditions for small and medium enterprises in Sao Paulo as part of the ILO SCORE Programme.
For more information see Brazil Country portal.
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