Building Effective Employer and Business Membership Organizations (EBMO’s)

1 October 2017

Employer and business membership organizations (EBMOs) are effective when they add value to their member enterprises and meet their representation, advocacy and services delivery needs. Building strong and effective EBMOs is the main goal of ACT/EMP´s institutional capacity building programme.

One of ACT/EMP's flagship capacity building products is a series of practical guides/training modules on building and managing EBMOs more strategically and effectively. The core Effective Employers' Organization training package is targeted at EBMOs to improve their organizational structures, governance, management, communications and advocacy to help them better respond to the needs of their members. The package is a set of five different guides on Governance, Strategy, Advocacy, Revenue Building and Communications. The package has been partially updated in 2018 with a new Guide on Good governance and another one on Being the voice of business, in cooperation with the Programme for Employers' Activities of the ITCILO.

In addition to the core Effective Employers' Organization training package, ACT/EMP also produced a series of guides/training modules on membership services. The Services Series guides consist of Strategic Approach to Service Development and two thematic guides on specific membership services. The Strategic Approach guide provides general guidance on business strategies for the design, delivery and monitoring of membership services offered by EBMOs, while the thematic guides go into greater depth on specific services provided to members in industrial relations and human resources, and labour law. A guide has also been developed on Building a Strong and Efficient Sectoral Employers' Organization.


A reference guide to the structure and governance of Employer and Business Membership Organizations
A reference guide to the structure and governance of EBMOS

A reference guide to the structure and governance of Employer and Business Membership Organizations

Onboarding handbook for board members of small employer and business membership organizations
Onboarding handbook for board members of small EBMOs.

Building effective employer and business membership organizations

Onboarding handbook for board members of small employer and business membership organizations

Driving up Resilience. A Guide for Employer and Business Membership Organizations
 Cover image - Driving up resilience

Driving up Resilience. A Guide for Employer and Business Membership Organizations

Taking Stock of the Digital Dividend. A Guide for Employer and Business Membership Organizations
 Cover image - Taking stock of the digital dividend

Taking Stock of the Digital Dividend. A Guide for Employer and Business Membership Organizations


Membership strategies and policies – A Manual for EBMOs
 Cover image - Membership strategies and policies

Membership strategies and policies – A Manual for EBMOs

Guide on Good Governance
 Cover image - Guide on good governance

Effective EBMOs Guide series (2018)

Guide on Good Governance

Guide on Lobbying and Advocacy – Being the voice of business
 Cover image - Guide on lobbying and advocacy

Effective EBMOs Guide series (2018)

Guide on Lobbying and Advocacy – Being the voice of business

Persuasive communication
 Cover image - Persuasive communication

The Effective Employers' Organization

Persuasive communication

Services by Employers’ Organizations: A strategic approach to service development
 Cover image - A strategic approach

Services Series Guide

Services by Employers’ Organizations: A strategic approach to service development

Services by Employers’ Organization: An overview of services in the field of industrial relations and human resources management
 Cover image - An overview of services

Services Series Guide

Services by Employers’ Organization: An overview of services in the field of industrial relations and human resources management

Services by Employers’ Organizations: A global overview of services in the field of labour law
 Cover image - A global overview of services

Services Series Guide

Services by Employers’ Organizations: A global overview of services in the field of labour law

Building a strong and efficient sectoral employers’ organization
 Cover image - Building a strong and effecient sectoral employers organization

Sectoral Employers' Organizations

Building a strong and efficient sectoral employers’ organization

Guide One: Governance
 Cover image - Guide one_ Governance

Core training package

Guide One: Governance

Guide Two: Strategy
 Cover image - Guide two_ strategy

Core training package

Guide Two: Strategy

Guide Three: Advocacy
 Cover image - Guide three_ advocacy

Core training package

Guide Three: Advocacy

Guide Four: Revenue Building
 Cover image - Guide four_ revenue building

Core training package

Guide Four: Revenue Building




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