Female workers at a factory in India

Building Responsible Value Chains in Asia through the Promotion of Decent Work in Business Operations (Phase II)

© ILO/Thimmar
Project details

1 April 2024 - 31 March 2026

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan (METI)


Ms Yuki Kobayashi (Programme Coordinator)

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Background and Rationale

This programme is implemented in the context of an increasing demand for companies to respect human rights and labour rights in their operations and supply chains, including by conducting human rights due diligence (HRDD). At the same time, there is recognition that many challenges and opportunities for the realization of decent work in supply chains relate to structural and systemic issues at the national level and require collective actions beyond what an individual company or the private sector can achieve on its own.

Using the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration) as a framework for action, this programme aims at:

・Putting in place supportive measures to accompany enterprises’ efforts to promote compliance with national laws and respect for the principles of international standards to promote human rights and labour rights in supply chains

・Enhancing capacity, dialogue and collaboration among the ILO tripartite constituents and relevant stakeholders in the programme countries to foster an enabling environment for sustainable and responsible business practices and decent work

The ultimate objective is to promote inclusive, responsible and sustainable enterprises and decent work in supply chains in the specified sectors in the programme countries in Asia.

Project outcomes

1. Enterprises improve compliance with national laws and better align their practices with the principles of international labour standards

Activities in India, Lao PDR, Malaysia: The capacity of enterprises is strengthened to carry out human rights due diligence, and their understanding of how their contribution to the realization of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work should translate into practice is enhanced.

Activities in Japan: Awareness is raised on responsible business conduct and the labour dimension of human rights due diligence, and good practices are disseminated, including among Japanese enterprises. Training is provided to build a pool of specialists to support corporate efforts to respect human rights.

2. Stronger capacity and collaboration of tripartite constituents foster an enabling environment for more sustainable enterprises that implement responsible business practices

Activities in India, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia and Japan: Enhanced capacity of government, workers’ and employers’ organizations for enhanced dialogue on the promotion of sustainable and responsible business practices.

Activities across the Region: Peer-learning is promoted across countries to enhance sustainable and responsible business practices in supply chains.

Partner countries:
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 

Target Industry:

Budget: USD 2.7 million

Key Partners:
Tripartite constituents in each country, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), Japan Federation of Labor and Social security Attorney’s Associations (for Japan component)

Targeted SDGs:

Targeted SDGs for METI project phase II

For further information please contact

  • Photo of Ms Yuki Kobayashi
    Ms Yuki Kobayashi
    Programme Coordinator
