Climate change and jobs
Key resources
Just Transition Finance Tool for banking and investing activities
ILO message brief for COP27: Climate action with jobs and a just transition for all
New just transition policy briefs
Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all
Why does climate change matter for employment ?
By contrast, if properly managed, climate change action can lead to more and better jobs. Both adaptation to climate change and measures to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions offer opportunities to create new jobs, while securing existing ones.
A transition to a low-carbon, greener economy will imply the creation of new jobs in environmentally friendly production processes and outputs, whereas other jobs will be at risk, in particular in those sectors with fewer options for a transition towards a more sustainable ways of production.
For more information, please see a FAQ on climate change and jobs.
Background resources
Providing clean energy and energy access through cooperatives
Local Investments in Climate Change Adaptation: Green Jobs through Green Works
Climate Change and Labour: The Need for a "Just Transition"
The social and Decent Work dimensions of a new Agreement on Climate Change - A technical brief
The Employment Effects of Climate Change and Climate Change Responses: A Role for International Labour Standards?
Keep it simple: What is a Just Transition?
The Climate Action for Jobs Initiative
Just Transition Policy Brief Series
The ILO Just Transition Guidelines
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
The ILO and UNFCCC process
The ILO and the COP26
The ILO and the COP25
The ILO and the COP24
The ILO and the COP23
The ILO and the COP22
ILO welcomes new climate change agreement committing nations to a just transition and the creation of decent work
Climate and jobs in focus as negotiators streamline the text for Paris
The ILO engages in climate change at Lima Conference and beyond
ILO calls for stronger coherence between labour and climate agendas
Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
The ILO in Copenhagen: Climate change @ work