Categories of exposure to GenAI

Employment exposure to generative artifical intelligence in Latin America and the Caribbean

Total share of employment exposed to Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in countries across Latin America and the Caribbean, categorized into three groups: Automation potential, Augmentation potential, and the 'Big Unknown'."

31 July 2024

Figure 7. Total exposure to GenAI by country (% of total employment)

*In addition to the LAC countries, a mean share of exposure was calculated for High-income Countries (WORLD: HIC in the figure) as a reference category for comparisons.

  • Automation: Jobs where the majority of tasks today could theoretically be performed with GenAI - such jobs could potentially be automated.
  • Augmentation: Jobs where some tasks can be performed using GenAI, but the majority need to be done by humans. Such jobs can be augmented by GenAI, speeding up some tasks and allowing more space for creative human work and new tasks.
  • Big Unknown: A category between automation and augmentation potential, representing jobs where the balance of tasks today is between those that can be done with GenAI and those that cannot. This balance might shift over time as technology improves and occupations evolve, moving some jobs closer to automation and others to augmentation potential.
Comparing access to a computer at work among men and women in Latin America

Jobs with Potential for Automation and Augmentation by GenAI

Comparing access to a computer at work among men and women in Latin America

Buffer or Bottleneck? Employment Exposure to Generative AI and the Digital Divide in Latin America

Joint ILO-World Bank working paper

Buffer or Bottleneck? Employment Exposure to Generative AI and the Digital Divide in Latin America

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