Electronics factory worker, Cikarang, Indonesia
Electronics factory worker, Cikarang, Indonesia © ILO/Asrian Mirza

Ergonomics (or human factors) refers to the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of the interactions among humans and other elements of a system.

It is about the systematic study of people at work with the objective of improving the work situation, the working conditions and the tasks performed.

Work systems are comprised of humans, the tasks they do, the tools and technologies they use, the organization of the work, and the work environment. Human factors/ergonomics contributes to safe and sustainable work systems through a unique combination of three drivers of intervention: 

  1. it takes a systems approach; 
  2. it is design-driven; and 
  3. it focuses on optimizing two closely related outcomes, performance and well-being 

Human factors/ergonomics encompasses not only the physical aspects of work but also cognitive and psycho-social factors. It further contends that these various aspects cannot be viewed in isolation but rather must be viewed as a complex interaction among all the elements of a work system.

Collaborating entities

Collaborating entities

The ILO collaborates with the International Ergonomics Association (IEA). Visit their website for more information.

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