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Child labour and forced labour

Global Accelerator Lab (GALAB)

Intensifying action against child labour and forced labour through innovation.

Project details

1 December 2021 - 30 September 2025

US$ 12,000,000

United States Department of Labor


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The Global Accelerator Lab (GALAB) project will contribute to the establishment and operationalization of the 8.7 Accelerator Lab, which aims to accelerate the replication of promising practices and identify new solutions to end child labour and forced labour globally.

In order to achieve this objective, the project will focus on four key cross-cutting markers: innovative solutions which is a cross-cutting marker that will support the actions of the project, at the global, regional and country levels, guided by the other three markers: due diligence and transparency in supply chains, strengthening workers’ voice, and social protection. These markers have been identified both based on past successful experience and on bringing in innovative approaches. 


  • Innovative solutions: the application of digital and technological solutions increasingly provides opportunities to address forced labour and child labour. A global digital platform where countries and stakeholders can share knowledge, good practices and lessons learned on what has worked will be developed. The project will also identify, pilot and roll out existing successful solutions and innovative solutions, including digital ones, to support the fight against child labour and forced labour at the global, regional and country levels.
  • Due diligence and transparency in supply chains: the ILO’s Child Labour Platform and Global Business Network on Forced Labour will be supported in their efforts to engage business to tackle child labour and forced labour with a focus on promoting due diligence and transparency in supply chains. At regional level exchanges of good practices with businesses and key stakeholders, will be supported in view of strengthening businesses’ due diligence processes, and explore the potential of public-private partnerships.
  • Strengthening workers' voice: trade unions will be supported in their capacity to organize workers in the informal economy and expand their services, in particular to informal workers. Moreover capacity building to develop ICTs to prevent or mitigate child labour and forced labour will be supported as well as the identification of good practices to foster their replication.
  • Social protection: global dialogue on child labour and forced labour elimination through social protection will be fostered. In target countries the extension of social protection coverage to vulnerable households will be supported.

Implementing partners

Global partnerships, regional organizations, national governments, employers’ organizations, workers’ organizations, businesses, research institutions and civil society organizations.

Countries covered

  • Ghana 
  • Malaysia 
  • Nigeria 
  • Somalia


The Global Accelerator Lab (GALAB) project is funded by the United States Department of Labor under cooperative agreement No. IL-37950-21-75-K / IL-37950-F12. One hundred percent of the total costs of the project is financed with federal funds, for a total of US$ 12,000,000.

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Child Labour

Forced labour, modern slavery and trafficking in persons
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Forced labour, modern slavery and trafficking in persons

8.7 Accelerator Lab Initiative
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8.7 Accelerator Lab Initiative