Global Dialogue Forum on the Role of Private Employment Agencies in Promoting Decent Work and Improving the Functioning of Labour Markets in Private Services Sectors

The Global Dialogue Forum on the Role of Private Employment Agencies in Promoting Decent Work and Improving the Functioning of Labour Markets in Private Services Sectors was held at the International Labour Office, Geneva, 18–19 October 2011. The Governing Body of the ILO had approved the convening of the Forum at its 304th Session (March 2009), based on proposals from the Employers’ and Workers’ groups to the Sectoral Advisory Body on Private Services in October 2008. Based on the agreed points of discussion, the Office prepared an Issues paper as a background for the Forum’s deliberations.

The purpose of the Forum was to discuss private employment agencies – specifically in private services sectors (including hotels, catering, tourism; commerce; financial services; media and entertainment; posts and telecommunications; and property services) – and their role in improving the functioning of labour markets, and in promoting decent work through the expansion of protection for temporary workers.

The Forum was attended by 144 participants, including 25 Government representatives and five advisers, one representative of the European Commission, as well as 62 Worker and 50 Employer representatives.

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Private employment agencies, promotion of decent work and improving the functioning of labour markets in private services sectors
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Private employment agencies, promotion of decent work and improving the functioning of labour markets in private services sectors

Final report of the discussion - Global Dialogue Forum on the Role of Private Employment Agencies in Promoting Decent Work and Improving the Functioning of Labour Markets in Private Services Sectors
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Final report of the discussion - Global Dialogue Forum on the Role of Private Employment Agencies in Promoting Decent Work and Improving the Functioning of Labour Markets in Private Services Sectors