Global Skills Programme
Lifelong learning enables successful economic structural transformation and a human-centred recovery.
Empower women, men, enterprises and communities to benefit from high-quality, market-relevant, inclusive, lifelong learning, that enables:
- Successful individual transitions to and between decent jobs
- Improved productivity and competitiveness of enterprises
- Just transition to a green economy
- Inclusive and peaceful societies
Create impact at scale
The programme will benefit no less than half a million direct beneficiaries by 2028 – at least 40% of them women, and close to 60,000 teachers, trainers, managers and tripartite constituents from nearly 6,000 organizations/institutions in 61 countries.
Bring changes to people, institutions and systems
People: making a difference in the lives of women and men through improved competencies for gainful employment.
Enterprises: in the productivity of enterprises through enhanced talent pool.
Institutions: improved institutional capacity of tripartite constituents to contribute to a market relevant lifelong learning system.
Systems: improvements in governance and coordination, information and analysis flows, valuing actions and behaviours, rules and regulations (formal and informal), workflows and processes and other incentives.
Deliver through strategic partnerships
The Global Programme will:
- Promote the involvement of workers' and employer's organizations in skills governance and at every step of the training process;
- Contribute to the results of the UN Strategic Development Framework at country level, and to the work of regional Issue Based Coalitions;
- Leverage the technical capacity of ITC ILO, ILO CINTERFOR and 15 established partnerships of the Skills and Employability Branch with UN sister agencies and programmes, development banks and other international organizations and coalitions;
- Expand existing Public Private Partnerships and South South Technical Cooperation.
Contribute to digital, green and care economies
The Global Programme will innovate, apply and scale up lifelong learning interventions for the development of the green, digital and care economies.
- Skills needs anticipation
- Skills policies and strategies
- Skills governance and financing
- Inclusive skills programmes and skills for formalisation
- Work-based learning
- Apprenticeships
- Skills recognition and portability
- Career guidance
- Digitalisation of skills systems
- TVET centres capacity
- Research
360° accountability
- With the Service Tracker, we will report on employment results as well as on interventions;
- We will grant access to GPSL3 partners to disaggregated data to review programme results for vulnerable populations;
- We will systematize reporting of the contributions of the programme to national and international frameworks (including national policies, Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs), United Nations Sustainable Development Framework (UNSDF), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
- We will establish a strong accountability framework towards beneficiaries to ensure they have the opportunity to comment and provide feedback on the design and implementation of interventions.
Collaboration offer
GPSL3 partners will be able to:
- Influence strategic decisions of the Programme through its governance structure
- Increase impact and visibility through pooled funding
- Participate in knowledge management and evidence-based advocacy
- Contribute targeted expertise based on national experience
- Integrate secondees and Junior Professional officers in the GPSL3 management team.
What is needed
The budget required to deliver ILO support to the 61 target countries from 2022 to 2028 is estimated at US$ 492 million. Our resource gap is US$280 million to service Member States’ demands on skills and lifelong learning.
Estimated Programme budget 2022-2027
- Resources mobilized: US$ 86 M
- Sources of funding: US$ 126 M
- Funding gap: US$ 280 M
- Country level outcomes: US$ 441 M
- Global outcome: US$ 51 M
Global Skills Programme
Theory of change
Online event: 28 March
ILO Skills Structured Funding Dialogue
Global Skills Programme
Global Skills Programme