ILO Department of Sustainable Enterprises, Productivity and Just Transition (ENTERPRISES)

Who we are and what we do

The promotion of sustainable enterprises is at the heart of the ILO Decent Work Agenda, which contributes to job and wealth creation, just transition to environmental sustainability, inclusive economies and societies, productivity growth and enterprises formalization.

The ILO Department of Sustainable Enterprises, Productivity and Just Transition (ENTERPRISES) collaborates with its tripartite constituents on promoting sustainable enterprises through advisory services and technical cooperation.

Our work is organized around four units/branch: Cooperative, Social and Solidarity Economy Unit, Multinational Enterprises and Responsible Business Conduct Unit, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Branch and Social Finance Programme, with support from a management team coordinating the department’s work plan, communication, partnerships and environmental initiatives.

Why sustainable enterprises matter

Around the world, demand is growing for businesses that are motivated by more than just profit. Companies and consumers are increasingly looking for products and services that have a positive impact on the community, the environment and society.

It is in workplaces that the social, economic and environmental dimensions come together inseparably. Sustainable enterprises are a principal source of growth, wealth creation, employment and decent work. Therefore, fostering sustainable enterprises is a major tool for achieving decent work, sustainable development and innovation that improves standards of living and social conditions.

How we make a difference

Our Global Technical Team brings together staff in the HQs of Geneva, the ILO field offices and the International Training Centre (Turin), to work as one for delivering ILO sustainable enterprises agenda.

Through our action, we envision countries where conditions are favourable for sustainable enterprises to thrive, contribute to social justice and generate decent jobs, regardless of their size, ownership or sector.

Our teams

Areas of work

Sustainable enterprises
blue sky, cloud and a skyscraper

Sustainable enterprises

A group of people (women, men and children) of an African cooperative is waving their hands to the camera, standing in front of a red brick house.


Social and Solidarity Economy
Three women sitting around a table rolling paper.

Social and Solidarity Economy

Multinational Enterprises 
Inside picture of a mall with different shops

Multinational Enterprises 

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Migrant worker employed in the fast food sector in Qatar

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Responsible business conduct
Workers on a factory floor

Responsible business conduct

Social Finance 
A wall painted with bold colours.

Social Finance 

Just transitions
Fishers folding a green fishing net next on a handmade boat

Just transitions

Landscape of a business district with skyscrapers
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