A young Indonesian apprentice on the job training 2019

Indonesia has became a member of the ILO on 12 June 1950. Using its unique tripartite structure, the ILO works in close collaboration with government, workers' and employers' organizations and development partners to advance social justice and promote decent work through its national decent work programme that has taken into account the priorities of Indonesia’s Government. More about the ILO in Indonesia

Latest news and stories

Digital application helps optimizing the harvest production of East Sumba’s seaweed farmers
Diana Mahalebu shows the application that she uses for recording her seaweed production.

Digital application helps optimizing the harvest production of East Sumba’s seaweed farmers

Financial skills and literacy improve the livelihoods of East Sumba’s seaweed farmers
Dried seaweeds in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.

Financial skills and literacy improve the livelihoods of East Sumba’s seaweed farmers

Indonesian female workers at palm oil plantation equipped with safety gears
Indonesia: Labour market indicator

Indonesia: Labour market indicator

Labour market statistics from ILOSTAT Database

Indonesian male and female factory workers in Cikarang
Development cooperation dashboard

Development cooperation dashboard

Projects in Indonesia

Projects and programmes

Survey for Co-creating a Joint Work Plan for Improving Access to Remedy of Migrant Workers from South-East Asia to Japan

Labour migration

Survey for Co-creating a Joint Work Plan for Improving Access to Remedy of Migrant Workers from South-East Asia to Japan

Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct


Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct


Working conditions of subnational government workers in selected South and South-east Asian countries: Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia,...

ILO Working paper 120

Working conditions of subnational government workers in selected South and South-east Asian countries: Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia,...


ILO Brief



Responsible business in a changing world: how does it affect Indonesia?

Webinar series

Responsible business in a changing world: how does it affect Indonesia?

Tripartite partners

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ILO Country Office for Indonesia and Timor-Leste
Menara Thamrin Level 22, Jl. M.H Thamrin Kav. 3
Jakarta 10250, Indonesia