Two women study a brochure in Turkiye


Promoting Decent Work For Syrians Under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens

Facilitating the access of Syrians and Turkish citizens to the formal labour market, supporting them to develop, adapt and strengthen their skills and competences and strengthening institutional capacities of the labour market actors.

Project details

6 December 2018 - 30 December 2025

Federal Republic of Germany through KfW Development Bank

TUR/18/01/DEU, TUR/19/03/DEU, TUR/22/02/DEU

Emily Harwit, Project Manager, , Kıvanç Özvardar Bahar, Communication Officer,

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With over 3,1 million Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTP) (Ministry of Interior Presidency of Migration Management data, as of May 2024), for the tenth year in a row, Türkiye is the country hosting the largest number of refugees in the world. 

Recognizing the need to strengthen the resilience and self-reliance of refugees, the Turkish government has designed strong protection systems that grant access to education, the health system, social services as well as the labour market. To support the public institutions, manage the increased pressure on public services and to assist people in gaining a living, the ILO is implementing long-term strategies to bolster refugees' and host communities' resilience through better access to the decent job opportunities.

The project is implemented by the ILO Office for Türkiye in partnership with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MoLSS) and its key agencies and directorates, including the Social Security Institution (SSI) and Directorate-General for International Labour Force (DGILF), with unions of chambers of tradesmen and craftsmen and municipalities as well as other public agencies and stakeholders. 

Project information


The ILO experts in Türkiye speaks about how their project contributes to decent work for all
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The ILO experts in Türkiye speaks about how their project contributes to decent work for all


Project team

Emily Harwit, Project Manager,

Ebru Tuncer Şenol, Finance and Administration Officer,

Nursel Avşar, Procurement Assistant,

Emine Bademci Gürlek, Skills Development Officer,

Kıvanç Özvardar Bahar, Communication Officer,

Çiğdem Altunok, Technical Specialist for Refugees,

Arzu Aypar Tekbaş, Administrative Assistant, 

Kutsal Morova, Project Assistant,

Batuhan Arslan, Employment Services Officer, 

Ayşe Aktuna, Social Security Officer,

Tarek Ali, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer,