ILO/UN Women Joint Policy Brief

On the road to an inclusive and safer world of work: Ratifying ILO C190 and R206

Preventing and eliminating violence and harassment in the world of work is critical for women’s human rights and a precondition for sustainable development. An inclusive and safe world of work, free from sexual harassment and other forms of gender-based violence (GBV), can result in better health, well-being, retention of workers, and increased productivity and reputational gains for workplaces. It also contributes to achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment.

The Generation Equality Action Coalitions on Gender-Based Violence and Economic Justice and Rights have issued a “Collective commitment on eliminating violence and harassment in the world of work”. The commitment seeks to prevent and eliminate harassment and violence against women in the world of work through global multi-stakeholder action. One of the key priorities of the commitment is advocacy for the ratification and implementation of International Labour Organization Convention 190 (ILO C190) and its accompanying Recommendation 206 (R206).

To advance the commitment, UN Women and ILO convened six regional virtual roadshows to strengthen the capacities of multiple stakeholders (civil society, multilateral organizations, governments, youth-led organizations, private sector, philanthropy) to advocate for the implementation and ratification of ILO C190. More than 1,300 participants representing diverse regions, organizations, and work sectors participated.

This publication provides an overview of the progress to ratification of ILO C190 across six regions, five years after its adoption. It also highlights examples of progress made by governments, trade unions, the private sector, and civil society towards ending GBV in the world of work, shared during the roadshows.

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