Active Labour Market Policies

The role of active labour market policies for a just transition

This policy brief is part of the ILO Just Transition Policy Briefs series and is intended to present the linkages between just transition and the role of active labour market policies, providing stakeholders with information and recommendations for implementation.

The ILO Guidelines for a Just Transition towards Environmentally Sustainable Economies and Societies for All, adopted by representatives of governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations in 2015, provide a policy framework and an operational tool to address environmental change in a way that advances social justice and promotes decent work creation. This policy brief is part of a series of briefs that seek to deepen the technical and policy understanding of the application of the Just Transition Guidelines.

This policy brief seeks to illustrate how active labour market policies (ALMPs) can facilitate a just transition. It advocates for an integrated approach that considers both ALMPs and income support to address adverse effects of climate change and potentially negative impacts of green policies and investments, and to facilitate the transition of workers and enterprises to new requirements in the world of work. It also unpacks the provisions of the guidelines on ALMPs and provides recommendations and examples to operationalize them.

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  • Employment, Labour Markets and Youth Branch & Green Jobs Programme
Employment Services and ALMPs to Support Transitions
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Employment Services and ALMPs to Support Transitions

Public employment services and active labour market policies for transitions: Responses to mega trends and crises
Global Report Part I: Public employment services and ALMPs

Global Report Part I

Public employment services and active labour market policies for transitions: Responses to mega trends and crises