women plucking tea leaves in India

Development cooperation

Safety + Health for All

Joining forces to improve the safety and health of workers worldwide

Safety + Health for All is an ILO Flagship Programme for coherent development cooperation to promote the fundamental right to a safe and healthy working environment. It mobilizes resources to implement projects at national, regional and global level following a consolidated global strategy

The actions target workers in vulnerable conditions, such as female, young, and migrant workers, as well as those in hazardous sectors such as agriculture and construction. Interventions also respond to specific OSH needs and challenges in small and medium enterprises and, through the Vision Zero Fund, in global supply chains.

By 2024, Safety + Health for All has benefited, directly or indirectly, over 185 million workers in 26 countries.


Joining efforts to build a safe and healthy working environment
worker posing in front of bags of coffee beans in Mexico
Vision Zero Fund

Vision Zero Fund

Sub programme on Global Supply Chains

Development partners as key actors of change

The ILO wishes to acknowledge contributions received to implement the Safety + Health for All Flagship Programme from public and private partners: Canada, Colombia, the European Union, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, as well as the Walt Disney Company, ENI, Nike, Nestlé and Siemens.

list of logos