Second Meeting of the Joint ILO–IMO Tripartite Working Group to Identify and Address Seafarers’ Issues and the Human Element
The purpose of the meeting was in keeping with the request of the resolution on harassment and bullying, including sexual assault and sexual harassment, in the maritime sector, adopted by the Fourth meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee established under Article XIII of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended – Part II (5 to 13 May 2022), with the objective of ensuring a safe and inclusive workplace for seafarers.
Record of the meeting
Report of the meeting
- Report, including the Recommendations adopted by the JTWG, subject to adoption by IMO Maritime Safety Council and authorization of publication by ILO GB Governing Body
- Recommendations adopted by the JTWG, subject to adoption by IMO Maritime Safety Council and authorization of publication by ILO GB Governing Body
Resources for the meeting:
Consideration of future steps, e.g. legislation, mechanisms and policies for reporting and addressing of bullying and harassment, including sexual assault and sexual harassment (SASH), in the maritime sector
- ILO/IMO JTWG-SIHE 2/INF.2 - Background information on bullying and harassment in the maritime sector - Note by the ILO and IMO Secretariats
- ILO/IMO JTWG-SIHE 2/3 - Discussion of elements of possible recommended actions - Note by the IMO and ILO Secretariats
- ILO/IMO JTWG-SIHE 2/3/1 - Proposals to address gaps in existing ILO and IMO instruments for the prevention of, and response to, bullying and harassment, including sexual assault and sexual harassment - Submitted by the United States
- ILO/IMO JTWG-SIHE 2/3/2 - An industry perspective on addressing harassment and bullying in the maritime sector - Submitted by ICS
- ILO/IMO JTWG-SIHE 2/3/3 - Industry principles for establishing effective measures to combat and eliminate harassment and bullying - Submitted by ICS
- ILO/IMO JTWG-SIHE 2/3/4 - The human element – Harassment and bullying - Submitted by France
- ILO/IMO JTWG-SIHE 2/3/5 - Comments on document ILO/IMO JTWG-SIHE 2/3 - Submitted by ICS
Consideration of the draft STCW training provisions to address bullying and harassment in the maritime sector, including SASH, for advice to the Maritime Safety Committee