Special Tripartite Committee
Role of the Committee
The Special Tripartite Committee is established under Article XIII of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006:
1. The Governing Body of the International Labour Office shall keep the working of this Convention under continuous review through a committee established by it with special competence in the area of maritime labour standards.
2. For matters dealt with in accordance with this Convention, the Committee shall consist of two representatives nominated by the Government of each Member which has ratified this Convention, and the representatives of Shipowners and Seafarers appointed by the Governing Body after consultation with the Joint Maritime Commission.
3. The Government representatives of Members which have not yet ratified this Convention may participate in the Committee but shall have no right to vote on any matter dealt with in accordance with this Convention. The Governing Body may invite other organizations or entities to be represented on the Committee by observers.
4. The votes of each Shipowner and Seafarer representative in the Committee shall be weighted so as to ensure that the Shipowners’ group and the Seafarers’ group each have half the voting power of the total number of governments which are represented at the meeting concerned and entitled to vote.
Meetings of the Special Tripartite Committee
7 - 11 April 2025
Fifth Meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee
5 - 13 May 2022 (Part II)
Fourth Meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee
19 - 23 April 2021 (Part I)
Fourth Meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee
23 - 27 April 2018
Third Meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee
8 - 10 February 2016
Second meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee
7 - 11 April 2014
First meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee
Joint ILO–IMO Tripartite Working Group to Identify and Address Seafarers’ Issues and the Human Element
13 - 15 December 2022
First Meeting of the Joint ILO–IMO Tripartite Working Group to identify and address seafarers’ issues and the human element
27 - 29 February 2024
Second Meeting of the Joint ILO–IMO Tripartite Working Group to identify and address seafarers’ issues and the human element
Preparatory Tripartite MLC, 2006 Committee
20 - 22 September 2010
Preparatory Tripartite MLC, 2006, Committee
12 - 14 December 2011
Second Meeting of the Preparatory Tripartite MLC, 2006, Committee
Key resource
Standing Orders of the Special Tripartite Committee established for the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
Working Group of the STC
Working Group of the Special Tripartite Committee