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Where Do Millennials Shop for Furniture Most Frequently?

Millennials have been scrutinized for their actions for a long time. There are also a lot of misconceptions about their lifestyles. They are mostly known for their on-the-go lifestyle, which keeps them immensely active. This often leaves little time for other tasks like shopping, sleeping properly, exercise, recreational hobbies, etc. 

This is why they are always seeking convenience. For example, they will rather call an Uber than walk to get to the public transport. The same can be said about their shopping habits. The e-commerce sector has experienced a lot of growth as more and more representatives of Generation Y like to buy online. From clothes, grocery up to a plus furniture and appliances they are willing to buy almost anything online if it is convenient enough and the source is reputable; offering quality.

In today’s post, however, we will discuss the places to buy furniture. There are many modern furniture stores that cater to the needs of this generation. Modern furniture is in priority, people are most likely seeking aesthetic that is easier to maintain and offers convenience at the same time.

Things to Know about Millennials Furniture Shopping

Before we go into specifically mentioning the sources where these people like to buy furniture, it is important to discuss a few things to know about their furniture shopping peculiarities.

Millennials are known for being informed. This can be applied to almost all aspects of their lifestyle so shopping for furniture is no different. Nowadays, it is quite easy to access information on something and millennials have taken advantage of this. Like most things in their life, furniture for Gen Y should also offer value. This is why they will conduct a thorough research on what kind of furniture is the best and where to find it. 50% of millennials will research for about 2 to 3 weeks and 78% admit that online reviews influence their decisions

One surprising factor about furniture shopping is that it is preferred from a brick and mortar store than online. While they do make up for the largest group shopping for furniture online, 63% millennials will go to a physical store. 40%, on the other hand, go online to buy as compared to 40% of generation X and 36% of Boomers.

The generation we are talking about spends much less compared to the older generations. Only 4.5% of their spending is on furniture while generation X and Boomers will spend 7.3% and 9.4% respectively. The reasons behind this are quite obvious. They like to have more mobility, which too much furniture can hinder. On the other hand, millennials often have limited financial resources.

In addition, they don’t like to use their credit cards when buying furniture. In fact, the same could be said about any type of shopping accomplished by them. As compared to the older generations, they own fewer credit cards and put less on them too. This shows that furniture shops should not expect to show their credit cards to make purchases and have alternative financing methods for them. 

Millennials won’t be interested in the average furniture. They seek creativity and uniqueness. Most likely, they want integration of the furniture with their personal style and of course, technology. And they tend to live in smaller spaces so seek furniture items that are multi-functional

As mentioned above, this category of buyers is not willing to spend a sufficient amount of financial resources. Therefore, they will like to save money wherever they can. Furniture can be purchased but it must be followed by shipping. Not every piece can be transported u the customer personally. Companies should be offering free shipping if they want to cater to the millennial market. 

Places Offering Furniture for Millennials

Many modern furniture stores have specifically added millennials to their target audience. For instance:

Maiden Home

They built furniture to order and use sustainable and non-toxic fabrics. Both these options are preferred. Their wood finishes are exceptional provided they are crafted by the experts from North Carolina. They also include free 6-days delivery service, 30-days return policy, and lifetime warranty.


This furniture shop was founded by a pair of Wharton graduates. Their highlight is the reinvention of the luxury couch. They claim to have cut costs for both the business and customer by streamlining the supply chain. The couch is stain-resistant, environmentally-friendly and comes with a 10-minute assembly process. Customers can also order a customized design and enjoy perks like the hidden built-in USB port.


For a wide range of furniture shopping, youth is trying Article. It offers bedroom pieces, dining furniture, chairs, décor, and outdoor furniture. The company’s claim lies in their tagline, which says ‘Spend Less. Live More’. Like most modern furniture stores, Article is also focusing on the efficiency of supply chain and offering direct delivery. 

Campaign Living

One aspect that all millennials prefer and enjoy is portability of items. And Campaign Living brings this to them with furniture items. Changing apartments becomes easier when you can carry the furniture and keep it for years to come. They also offer affordability along with eco-friendly products and lifetime warranties. Other friendly features include the flat-pack solution offering low-cost and fast shipping and no-tools-required assembly processes for the furniture.


Many millennials are invested in work from home jobs. This means that prefer ergonomic furniture that offers the flexibility for work from home. Artifox brings furniture that is technology-friendly, minimalist, and enhances productivity.

The things discussed in this article prove that millennials furniture shopping is in some ways similar and different in other ways when compared to older generations. Keeping these aspects in mind, upcoming furniture sellers should include modern furniture for millennials that meets their specific lifestyle requirements. Direct delivery, low-cost shipping, ergonomic designs, convenience, technology, and creativity seem to be the focus points.