Maritime - Shipping
The ILO, since its founding, has adopted many international labour standards for seafarers. In 2006, the 94th Maritime Session of the International Labour Conference adopted the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006. The Convention consolidated nearly all earlier ILO standards for seafarers into a single Convention. The MLC, 2006, entered into force on 20 August 2013, establishing minimum working and living standards for all seafarers on those ships. The other key ILO standard for seafarers is the Seafarers' Identity Documents Convention (Revised), 2003 (No. 185), which provides a new seafarers' identity document that enhances maritime security while facilitating shore leave and the professional movement of seafarers. The main focus of ILO's maritime programme is the promotion of these standards using all of the ILO's means of action and through the publication of codes of practice, guidelines and reports addressing seafarers' labour issues. The Subcommittee on Wages of Seafarers of the Joint Maritime Commission periodically meets to updating of the recommended minimum monthly basic pay or wage figure for able seafarers, as provided for in the MLC, 2006. The Special Tripartite Committee of the MLC, 2006, among other things, considers amendments to the Convention and keeps it under continuous review.
- Guidelines for implementing the occupational safety and health provisions of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
- Guidelines on the training of ships’ cooks
- Guidelines on the medical examinations of seafarers
- Guidelines for flag State inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended
- Guidelines for port State control officers carrying out inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended
- ILO Handbook: Guidance on implementing the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 - Model National Provisions
- ILO Handbook: Guidance on implementing the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 and Social Security for Seafarers
- ILO Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006)
- ILO Guidelines on how to deal with seafarer abandonment cases
- ILO/IMO/WHO International medical guide for ships

Database on reported incidents of abandonment of seafarers

Committees and Joint meetings
Second Meeting of the Joint ILO–IMO Tripartite Working Group to Identify and Address Seafarers’ Issues and the Human Element
Joint ILO–IMO meeting to adopt guidelines for Medical Examination of Fishers/Fishing Vessel Personnel
Technical meeting on decent and sustainable work in the inland waterways sector
Maritime sector
ILO and IMO recommend new steps against shipboard violence, harassment, and sexual assault

Inland waterways sector
New conclusions and recommendations pave the way to decent work in the inland waterways sector

Poland marks the end of the ILO centenary year with the ratification of the Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 (No. 188)
All publications
Decent and sustainable work in the inland waterways sector
Challenges and opportunities to advance decent work in five countries and supply chains: A synthesis report
COVID-19: Protecting workers in the workplace
Information note on maritime labour issues and coronavirus (COVID-19)