Note takers at the International Labour Conference
Note takers at the International Labour Conference © ILO

Latest news

The African Union adopts a ten-year strategy on the Social and Solidarity Economy
AU’s STC-SDLE-5 focusing on promoting SSE ecosystems

The African Union adopts a ten-year strategy on the Social and Solidarity Economy

ILO opens new Subregional Office in Angola
Minister of Public Administration, Labour and Social Security of Angola, Teresa Dias Rodrigues, with ILO Director-General Gilbert F. Houngbo, shake hands after signing of country office agreement in Luanda

ILO opens new Subregional Office in Angola

ILO hosts workshop on “Responsible Business Conduct and Decent Work”


ILO hosts workshop on “Responsible Business Conduct and Decent Work”

Latest articles

Advocacy event in Addis Ababa showcases Africa’s commitment to protecting vulnerable children
Delegates stand in a hall inside the African Union building and sign for a group picture

Advocacy event in Addis Ababa showcases Africa’s commitment to protecting vulnerable children

Digital application helps optimizing the harvest production of East Sumba’s seaweed farmers
Diana Mahalebu shows the application that she uses for recording her seaweed production.

Digital application helps optimizing the harvest production of East Sumba’s seaweed farmers

An SIYB training of trainers empowerment workshop
Group discussion on expectations from the SIYB training

BG4YE Project

An SIYB training of trainers empowerment workshop

Latest statements

Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking

World Day against Trafficking in Persons

Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking

The Future of Employment in İzmir: I am Trained for My Job Program


The Future of Employment in İzmir: I am Trained for My Job Program

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