Zimbabwean fashion designer Martha Simango sits outside by a field and holds up one of her creations, a multicoloured dress she is working on
Martha Simango, a fashion designer from Zimbabwe who is supported by the ILO Spotlight Initiative, September 2023. © Shaun Chitsiga/ ILO

The ILO in Africa supports 54 countries to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue on work-related issues. Together with our worker, employer, and government partners we strive to achieve a human-centred future of work built on social justice for all.

Constituents on the African Continent have committed themselves to making decent work a reality for Africa’s people, through a series of priorities identified by them.

Regional priorities

Latest news and stories

The African Union adopts a ten-year strategy on the Social and Solidarity Economy
AU’s STC-SDLE-5 focusing on promoting SSE ecosystems

The African Union adopts a ten-year strategy on the Social and Solidarity Economy

ILO opens new Subregional Office in Angola
Minister of Public Administration, Labour and Social Security of Angola, Teresa Dias Rodrigues, with ILO Director-General Gilbert F. Houngbo, shake hands after signing of country office agreement in Luanda

ILO opens new Subregional Office in Angola

Diverse workforce with labour force graphs
Labour statistics in Africa

Labour statistics in Africa

National figures on labour markets in Africa for the last available year from the ILOSTAT database

Group with hands together symbolizing collaboration, teamwork, partnership and goals
Development Cooperation Dashboard

Development Cooperation Dashboard

The Dashboard offers customizable views of ILO development cooperation projects in Africa funded by voluntary contributions around the world. It shows the budget and expenditure of voluntary contributions for the past 10 years.

Projects and programmes

Promoting employment and training for youth NEETs in the Southern Mediterranean

Promoting employment and training for youth NEETs in the Southern Mediterranean

Together to Develop the Youth in Damietta

Together to Develop the Youth in Damietta


Gender mainstreaming into Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Lebanon

Gender mainstreaming into Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Lebanon

Survey to identify and map the prevalence, needs, and barriers faced by persons with disabilities and their caregivers to inform targeted...

Request for proposals

Survey to identify and map the prevalence, needs, and barriers faced by persons with disabilities and their caregivers to inform targeted...


2024 Zambia Social Protection Week

Theme:'Sustainable Social Protection for Resilience Building'

2024 Zambia Social Protection Week

Picture of a book case.
All resources

All resources

Browse our catalogue of resources from or about Africa.

Contact the ILO Regional Office for Africa

Plateau, CCIA Building 
Côte d’Ivoire
01 BP 3960 Abidjan 01

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ILO Regional Office for Africa

ILO Regional Office for Africa



